That's me halfway between Desert Springs and
Joshua Tree on my USA trip in '96. When I find time, I will put up
some of my photos from that trip. Photography is one of my hobbies,
especially experimenting with filters. My official personal
homepage is here.
The Family Photos
This is my wife Steffi. We got married in 2002, but
we've been together since 1996 already. Steffi has a diploma in
geology and is currently giving private tutoring in physics,
mathematics and chemistry. She would have her own
homepage if she was not too lazy to learn HTML ;-) You can
send her an email
This is our daughter Ariane, born in April 2003.
First thing she learned was programming HTML, so she set up her own
homepage already (time
to follow, Mom :-)). Nothing was pink in our house before, but yet
she has chosen it as her absolutely favourite colour. On the other
hand, she's as wild as can be (but who says you cannot climb the
apple tree in a pink dress?).
And this is our son Florian, who joined the family in March 2005. He
started moving his bobby car before he could really crawl. Now he is an
automobile expert and knows almost every make of car.
He stole his homepage style
from his sister ;-)
Ariane and Florian like each other a
lot. Ariane teaches Florian many things and both take care of each
other if one is hurt or cries. And when they team up, they are as
bold as brass! (You can see that in their faces on the fotos,
can't you? :-))
My parents. My father retired in 2003 after almost
40 years of teaching French and German, but instead of getting on my
moms nerves (have you ever seen "Pappa ante portas?") he went back to
university to study history of art.
organizing the house and the garden perfectly, my mom started
spending a lot of time for genealogical research some years ago
and has already written 5 books about our french anchestors (Jesus,
how rich we've been before that stupid revolution ruined us ;-))
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Who is still missing? Right, that's my sister. After
spending some years working as a foreign language secretary in Brussels,
she went back to Germany and settled down in Berlin, just for the
one reason that we needed someone there to host us when visiting Berlin :-) She's speaking french,
english and spanish perfectly.
Here are some other pages that I'm maintaining.
The homepage of our Quake Clan. Steffi
and me started playing Quake online in 1997, on some SUN Ultra Sparc
stations, and founded a clan in 1998. The clan has been inactive for
some years now, because we have too much real life to handle :-) Everything
after Quake 1 and Quakeworld was just a crappy imitation of the
original anyway, so there was no motivation to play something
else. I've moved to Thief then, but that's a different story...
Our hiking page "Spannende
Wanderungen mit Kindern in Bayern, südlich von München"
where we try to collect all our hikes we went on. They are well-suited for kids, some
of them quite challenging but not
dangerous, with small trails (our kids refuse
to walk trails broader than themselves), creeks or waterfalls and spectacular views.
If you live near Munich, check them out :-)
My Linux on the Compaq Armada E500 page. I started
working with linux in 1996. My second Linux laptop was the
Armada E500, a 100% perfect Linux laptop, so I setup a install page
helping others to get Linux running on it. After more than 15.000 visits I
guess I helped some ;-). Unfortunately I'm lacking time to add any
updates, although people still send me new information from time
to time.